Peppermint Christmas Bark

Peppermint Christmas bark is not really new, but it is certainly delicious and makes a great holiday gift!  So since we are in the full holiday swing of things, here is a sweet dessert to share with your family or give as a gift !

1 bag of chocolate Ghirardelli melting chips
1 bag of white Ghiradelli melting chips
1/2 teaspoon of peppermint extract
Candy canes, crushed into bits

Prepare a sheet pan with a slight amount of non- stick baking spray, set aside.  Melt the bag of chocolate melting chips in the microwave according to package directions, mine takes a little less than two minutes. When the chips are melted and smooth spread the chocolate on the prepared baking sheet being careful not to spread the chocolate too thin. Place the baking sheet into the refrigerator for twenty minutes to set. After the twenty minutes melt the white baking chips according to directions and when melted and smooth add the peppermint extract and mix well. Take the baking sheet out of the fridge and pour the white chocolate over the chocolate keeping it as even as you can and add the crushed candy canes. Place the baking sheet back in the refrigerator for another 20 minutes or until the chocolate is firm. Once the chocolate is set remove from fridge and break into pieces. store in an airtight container or package up to give as a gift.




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