Peppermint Oil from Young Living

Slide12     Peppermint oil!  I had no idea peppermint oil had so many great ways that it can be used.  I am happy to share these with all of you! Most of you know the more common things like flavorings in food and beverages along with fragrance in soap and cosmetics.  But did you know it also helps with indigestion? It DOES! Simply add a couple drops of peppermint oil into a warm glass of water and drink after your meal.
Are you suffering from a summer cough or cold? Guess what? The menthol in the peppermint oil is said to help the respiratory tract. Rub a small amount of oil on your chest OR inhale through a vaporizer.
Stress?  Headache? SIMPLE FIX…dab a little peppermint oil on your wrist or put a couple drops in your bath water before bed!
We are in the dog days of Summer, so I hope this helps you relax and enjoy it!

As always check with a doctor if you are unsure of ANY new product!



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