Panera Bagel Slices

Well, it is that time of year again, all the kids are going back to school.  So with that being said this is not really a recipe.   BUT this is one of my favorite things to bring into my kid’s classrooms, or for an office party or any gathering or holiday party!  This is a grab and go on the run dish.  I just love it!
This dish comes straight from your local Panera store! Are you wondering what I am talking about yet? Well, here is the trick, Go into your Panera store and choose your favorite bagels and favorite cream cheese flavor and ask them to slice the bagels through their bread slicer!  I know!  This is just the best tip out there! You have thinly sliced bagels slices to lay out on a platter and serve with cream cheese! So when your kids come home asking to bring something to school for their class and your short on time, this is it!




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