MCYM News!

imageHello Friends,

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Fourth of July ! If you have followed along I mentioned a while ago that things have been busy. Well that is just the beginning ! I have been not only working my regular job at the high school along with blogging, but I have been busy applying for my state food license and my city license.  These  take some time to do.
Our son, Robby, graduated from high school in June…so June was a little crazy. Have  I also mentioned previously that I left my job at the high school, after nine years at the end of the school year..yup!  That too. We have new beginnings at our house and I am really excited for them. One more, and for me very exciting thing, is that I am now a Taste of Home field editor for the Taste of Home magazine! How cool is that?!  I am very excited to be doing this!
My last piece of news is my least favorite. I having been doing some behind the scenes work on the blog, some changes you can see, but others you cannot. To make some of these changes I have to make adjustments to each and every post! That’s a lot! So although going through each and every post is not fun I know that the end result will be worth it and we will both really like the changes!
I will continue to post three new recipes/reviews a week, or try to!! I will also keep you updated with more news as it comes!
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and I hope to hear from you soon!



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