Just a Little Break, #2!

Well, it’s been a rough few weeks. I told you I would check in and post when I could …well, I feel like my last post of taking a little break turned into reality!  I don’t always share some of the most personal things happening but let me give you a recap of our last year!

One year ago, our daughter and her love Steve (who we love) had twins (a boy and a girl). We were told a number of years ago that Amanda would never be able to carry a child due to her ligament disorder…well, Amanda always pushes the odds and she had twins that were born three months early and spent almost three months in the hospital in Manchester, NH. We were so thankful, happy and scared all at the same time. We have hit the one year mark and Amanda, Steve and the babies are doing amazing. All thriving! But also just moved to the land of nowhere in NY! Cornfields, soybeans, vineyards and etc! It’s a ten hour trip for us to see them. Although we were sad to see them leave we are thrilled for them and the new life they have started.

With this being said, Jim and I have been looking for a lake home for a few years and could never find the right house but when the kids moved we knew what we wanted, and that was a motor home! We purchased the motor home the first weekend they left and have not looked back! We were able to spend ten days with the twins and family.   While in the middle of no where, or the many cornfields I had a slight (?) injury or so I thought. I broke my fib bone and separated my ankle. Yup, back to my last post of “just a small break”! Well, sadly not as small as I would like.  I’m not in the kitchen at all. I can do small things in small increments. With that being said I will be out of the kitchen longer than expected. I have four more weeks of the “boot” then a re-check and whatever physical therapy to get me back to normal.

I will be back, but just not as soon as I would like! Thank you for all the support and understanding!



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