Ghost Pepper Salsa

Some like it HOT! This is very, very HOT!  BUT…You can use jalepeno’s or any other milder pepper in place of the ghost pepper! My family likes heat.  Robby likes it a little too much! My friend’s of ours grow an amazing garden and part of their garden is a variety of hot peppers.  This includes ghost peppers! If you are not familiar with ghost peppers they are CRAZY HOT! I will tell you a story about Robby and a couple of his friends that happened a couple years ago. Robby and his friends got their hands on a ghost pepper (I have no idea where it came from) but it ended up becoming a dare on who was going to eat it ! Oh my! This all came about during a sleep over at MY house and after Jim and I went to bed. Well…needless to say the poor soul that lost the bet spent a portion of the night throwing up as it was so hot! Hmmmm….SORRY! Not a good way to start a post about food is it?! Well, what can I say…teenage boys!  I still love them!

2 ghost peppers  (I took the seeds out)
4 tomatoes, seeded and chopped
handful of cilantro
6 cloves of garlic
1 onion
salt to taste
pepper to taste
juice of two limes

Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and pulse until you get your desired consistency.

Note:  This gets hotter the longer it sits, you can add a 1/2 tsp. of sugar if needed!
Store in the refrigerator.




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