Easy Sweet and Sour Chinese Chicken

imageI don’t know many people that don’t like the sweet and sour chicken from their favorite Chinese food place.  How can you not love sweet crispy chicken? This recipe is definitely on the super sweet side so with that being said everyone enjoyed this but everyone said it was definitely on the sweeter side. I actually made this the same night I made the honey soy chicken and funny enough, everyone loved having both a sweet and salty chicken together! This sauce does not thicken as much as the honey soy chicken so if you like extra sauce you can make it as written if you want it to thicken up go ahead and add 1 Tablespoon of cornstarch to the sauce.

1 cup of granulated sugar
4 Tablespoons of ketchup
1/4 cup white vinegar
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1 Tablespoon low sodium soy sauce
1 teaspoon garlic salt
1/2 bag of frozen fully cooked popcorn chicken

Preheat oven according to the chicken package. In a large bowl mix all ingredients together except the chicken.   Once mixed well, add 1/2 of the bag of popcorn chicken.  Coat the chicken with the sauce and place the chicken on a baking sheet. Bake according to package directions stirrring at least once throughout the baking. When chicken is cooked through and baked according to package directions remove from oven and serve warm.





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