Easy Fish Taco’s


This really should be called Cheater Fish Taco’s because I really did not make anything.   I just put things together! I used packaged frozen fish, already made coleslaw,  already made coleslaw sauce,  and already made taco shells. My twist on the recipe is where I added the Sriracha sauce! This was a really quick and easy delicious dinner I made on a weeknight, but would make this any day of the week!
1 Package Van de Kamps     crispy haddock fillets
1 Package Old ElPaso stand up soft flour tortilla
1 Package coleslaw mix
1 bottle Marie’s coleslaw dressing
2 granny smith apples diced
Sriracha to taste

For the coleslaw,  mix the packaged coleslaw with dressing, add the diced apples and a hefty dash of black pepper, mix well. Now you can add YOUR desired amount of Sriracha sauce to the slaw. Use caution it does not take much to make this spicy!  Follow package directions to make haddock fillets. Warm the tortillas in the oven or microwave.
To assemble start with the tortilla’s, add coleslaw, top with fish fillets and a small drizzle of Sriracha!




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