Chocolate Souffles

Hello, and I know … two posts in one day?  What is up with that?  Well, this is a guest post by my friend Ann who I met on a food site that we both belong to. I love everything Ann posts and hey she is from Massachusetts and loves the patriots as much as I do! As you know I am not a baker, but when I saw Ann post her pictures of these soufflés I knew I needed the recipe and a napkin to wipe my drool…seriously how good do these look?!  Ann may have just turned me in to a baker!
Thank you Ann! You rock and I hope you will share many more recipes!

Chocolate Souffles_pe

1 Tablespoon Unsalted Butter                                    3 Each Egg Yolks
10 1/2 Ounces Bittersweet Chocolate                     6 Each Egg Whites
1 1/3 Cups cold milk                                                       1/3 Cup Sugar
2  Tablespoons Cornstarch

1)  Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Butter & sugar (12) soufflé ramekins. Place on a baking sheet           and set aside.
2)  Dissolve the cornstarch with the cold milk and place it in a small sauce pan. Bring this                     mixture to a simmer stirring continuously until thickened.
3)  Melt the chocolate in a double boiler  and then stir it into the thickened milk mixture.                     Remove it from the heat and add the lightly beaten egg yolks.  Stir well to incorporate.
4)  Whip the egg whites in a mixer on medium speed until foamy. Slowly add the sugar and                  increase to high speed. Whip until stiff   peaks are achieved.
5)  Lighten the chocolate mixture by folding about one third of the whipped egg whites into the        melted chocolate, then fold the balance of the chocolate mixture into the egg whites.
6)  Spoon evenly into the ramekins and bake for 15 minutes. Remove and serve at once.



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