So since this is my very first Young Living post, I had a difficult time deciding what product I wanted to show all of you. If you are not familiar with Young Living you can go to the Young Living section on this blog and get some of the background information as well as a list of products they carry.  Since it is Summer and everyone is running around juggling kids, work and life I wanted to share with you the benefits of the lavender oil. Lavender helps support sleep, helps soothe and relax the mind and body, eases stress and even cleanses skin irritations.  BUT, guess what else lavender oil does? It is a great natural bug repellant! So many great uses for this oil and I know I like all the benefits!

                                                                                                                 Suggested uses

Topical- add 2-4 drops topically to skin irritations, or a couple drops on your wrists and neck area to repel insects.

Sleep- Put a couple drops on your pillow for a restful sleep

Aromatic- Diffuse up to 1 hour three times a day or inhale directly for aromatherapy.

IF you are interested in purchasing  Young Living you can go to the section on this blog and go to the order form!

Keep out of reach from children.
If you are pregnant nursing or taking medication always consult your Doctor.




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