Boston Stays Strong

imageBoston, an amazing City!  With the recent death of two firefighters and the soon to be one year anniversary of the marathon bombings,  I thought I’d take some time out and post about our day in this wonderful City.  Living so close, we spent last Sunday watching the Boston Red Sox at Fenway park! We have been to Boston many times,  sadly much of our time spent there has been for various doctors appointments for both of our kids. Most of our time being spent at Boston Children’s Hospital. We are VERY fortunate to live so close to some of the most talented doctors in the world. They saved Robby’s life when he was a freshman in high school. He had a staph infection and was treated by the emergency room staff along with the orthopedic doctors and a brain surgeon.  Robby had to have fluid drained from both sides of his spine and this was done by the brain surgeon.  After five nights at the hospital, Robby was treated at home with a visiting nurse team and many more trips to Boston over the next eight weeks!  Boston Children’s Hospital also diagnosed Amanda 7 years ago with Ehler’s Danlos Disease after spending many days/weeks/months/years locally trying to find an answer. Thankfully, we are not making THOSE visits as often as we used to! I have the highest respect for ALL of the Boston hospitals. They are all truly amazing with the best staff you could ever imagine! Our visit to Boston last Sunday was to Fenway Park with my brother-in-law Paul, and his wife Cindy! Sunday was a gorgeous day! The sun was out, but it was a little windy but we were okay with that as it seemed as Spring had finally arrived in the New England area!!!

image So, since this is a food blog, I have to tell you about some of the food at Fenway park! When you get into the park area there are street vendors with roasted peanuts, pistachios and cashews. Then there are various vendors selling fish and chips, but OUR favorite was the sausage with peppers and onions and what goes best with sausage…a cold beer! image There are also many street performers, stilt walkers playing with the kids, small bands playing and lots of photographers ready to take your picture! We also made out way into one of the OFFICIAL stores of the Boston Red Sox. They have everything you can imagine or possibly want! Cindy and I both found a Red Sox shirt for the minimal price of $90.00 (sorry Jim and Paul , it was a must have! )  In all fairness, Jim did pick the shirt out!! After our little shopping extravaganza we made our way to our seats! Our seats were great. We had swivel chairs and a table in front of us and we could see the game and players without any problem! Behind us we had a deck area along with a food vending area! Not too shabby! The one and only downside of the seats was that we were in the SHADE! So being in the shade with a little wind it was chilly! They serve a lot of food in the park.  Chicken fingers, fries, pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers, sausage, peanuts and the famous LOBSTER ROLL! Between Jim and Paul they ate their way through the menu that day! Not a crumb could be found!image

We watched the game with great sadness as the Red Sox were not playing well and never pulled out of it.   They lost 4 – 0!  UGH!  That is okay, we love our Red Sox and look forward to a great season ahead!  As I close this post, please take some time to think about those in Boston that have been effected by the recent fire, last year’s bombing and ALL of the police, firefighters and hospital personnel that helped all of these people and others each day.  Thank your local police and firefighters for the work they do for us too!



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